Friday 20 April 2012

Extra codes and conventions I considered

Codes and conventions I have also considered from the analysis of magazine all hold these aspects:
  • A bar code on the front cover
  • Large headings on the front cover and double page spreads roughly size '120 pts - 150 pts'. This is the font that I have considered to use as it goes well with what 'pop' means and the trends of my magazine. 
  • Consistent house style throughout the magazine.

  • Gaze Theory -For an pop genre magazine conventional imagery that is used is of 'bands' or the 'artist'. This is a band shot of 'JLS'. As you can see their fashion sense is 'pop' which will appeal to the target audience. Hair of all the band members is combed back but 'trendy' clothing is worn. Two of the men have slight chest on show which also represents 'cool' and this is other people want to be like with this type of body. Girls will aspire to 'get' men like this, whereas boys aspire to look like the men (attractive and well presentable/ trendy).

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