Sunday 22 April 2012

Evaluation. Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media instition that I would choose to publish my magazine would be PPA. The reason for choosing this institution is due to the fact that they publish 'We Love Pop' magazine (a magazine that is aimed at my target audience and which has influenced my media product dramatically in terms of conventional features). PPA are a large WELL KNOWN company as well as the company having their own advertising sector, meaning the advertisement of my magazine would result in it become a possible leader/ well known product in the market.

An institution to distribute my magazine would be 'newsagents'. One of the newsagent leaders is WH smith. This newsagent is well known for distributing magazines as well as providing in-store exclusive 'subscription' services. I feel that one of the market leading companies for distributing my media product would help for it to become a 'well known', national success. In store the magazine will be placed on a rack. The magazine will be surrounded by contending products so 'eye catching' features were considered before the production of the product. The success of display in WH Smith is that the product will be placed at 'eye level' height, allowing for instant 'awareness' of the media product. As well as the leading newsagents to distribute my media product I would like 'smaller' chains of newsagents to distribute the magazine such as Post Office, Happy Shopper and Co-Operative.

Another distribution method that I could possibly use is the use of publishing it 'digitally'. This will allow for the magazine to be easily seen as it follows new media convergence. Such technology as home computers and laptops but also more up to date phones e.g. the iPhone. 'iPhone' are a quickly growing popular way to view the web, and host genre specific 'apps'. This allows the accessibility of the product to be greater as it can be viewed on the way to school and the digital format of the product will be cheaper to publish compared to 'print' format.

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