Thursday 23 February 2012

Analysis of magazine front covers on a particular genre

Analysis of the codes and conventions on the form of a double-page spread article

Through analysing three double page spreads. I have discovered and researched the common codes and conventions of articles and the spread itself. I have completed this research so that I can use these codes and conventions elements to the magazine I am creating. After completing this task, I feel as if now I fully understand the codes and conventions of a double page spread of a magazine and will be able to apply them to magazine that I will be producing.

Analysis of the codes and conventions on the form of a contents page magazine

Through analysing three Contents page, I have discovered and research the common codes and conventions of a contents page of a magazine. I have done this research so that I can use these codes and conventions elements in the product I will be designing. Although I had already done research about the codes and conventions of a contents page I decided that it will be a good idea to re-do this task again in more detail by doing this, this widened my knowledge. I used other ideas from my premliminary task to complete the following task of the contents paged. After completing this task I feel as if I fully understand the codes and conventions of a contents page of a magazine and will be able to apply them to magazine that I will be producing.


Friday 17 February 2012

Analysis of the codes and conventions on the form of a front page magazine

I have studied and analysed three front covers of magazines. Through the analysing of the magazine front covers I have discovered the common codes and conventions of a front cover of a magazine which would give me an understanding of what I would include in the creating of my music magazine. In my preliminary task I also studied and analysed front covers of school magazines, this helped me during this task of analysing codes and conventions, it was now clear to me why I did the preliminary task as it gave me a wide knowledge of codes and conventions. Now during this task I used one of the following front covers that I analysed on my preliminary task however in this task I used more of my knowledge that I have gained. Doing these two tasks have helped me compare and contrast the codes and conventions depending on the theme of each magazine and it has now left me with a wide knowledge and understanding of codes and conventions on the form of a front page magazine.